There are several key applications within the realm of Buried Object Detection:
Subsea engineers need to conduct site surveys for engineering and infrastructure projects, such as wind farm development or harbour wall restorations.
Marine Archaeologists are searching for the secrets of the deep, ancient ruins that have long been flooded and hidden from investigation.
Marine safety specialists need data that helps them to locate and classify hazards that may make navigation more treacherous.
The military needs to locate unexploded ordnance (UXO), which is a huge problem for offshore wind developments, especially in the North and Baltic Seas after World War.
While seismic surveys using expensive airguns towed by even more expensive vessels are used for buried object detection and surveying for oil & gas or natural minerals at the larger scale offshore, most professionals depend more often on Sub Bottom Profiler (SBP) technology to acquire the data they need.
Also known as shallow seismic systems, SBPs excel in detecting buried objects in shallow water. Built using low frequency echosounder technologies, its possible to acquire data far below the seafloor, but most of the action, whether historic investigations or offshore technical infrastructure, are concerned with data to around 20 metres.
Sub Bottom Profiling surveys make it possible to locate the foundations of infrastructure safely. Having the information in advance of the project engineering phase ensures that personnel will be safe and work can continue without the risk of unwanted interruptions.